- The body is always there -
Lena Grabher, Michelle Kraemer, Izabella Petrut
are all interested in the subtle touch between the piece of jewelry and the body of the wearer. They believe there is a point, a line or a surface of tangency between the two that create a great level of intimacy. This tangency is the focus of Grabher's, Kraemer's and Petrut's work. The three artists explore jewelry from the perspective of a body that exists whether it is seen or not, whether it is present or not. The actual, physical presence or absence of the body or of the wearer, doesn't take away the intimacy and the tangency, whether they are real or metaphorical.
Opening with the artists
24th August 19h - 21h
Installation-Performance, Collaboration of Elements
with Shayan Kazemi
19th September
Bauernmarkt 19
1010 Vienna - Austria